“I don’t care too much for money. Money can’t buy me love.” ~The Beatles
Money can’t buy you love, but lasting love can save you a whole lot of money.
Don’t believe it? Read a few tragic stories from Gold Diggers & Deadbeat Dads, like this one.
The right partner lifts you up when the chips are down.
The right partner keeps you grounded when the chips are up.
The right partner helps you play your chips with integrity.
The right partner never hides any chips.
The right partner never takes the chips and leaves the table.
The right partner keeps you grateful no matter where the chips may fall.
32 years ago today, I married the right partner. Jackpot.
Smartest money move I ever made. Smartest move period.
Remind your kids to choose their spouses and partners wisely. No, money can’t buy you love, but the two aren’t unrelated. Picking a partner definitely means putting all your chips on the line.
Get tomorrow’s tip here.