Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Help Me Spread Financial Knowledge To More Kids

Ben On Knowledge

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”
~Benjamin Franklin

Have you ever read something from me that spurred you to have a meaningful money talk with your kid? Maybe one of these popular tips:

If so, I’d greatly appreciate your help on a 5 second favor.

As you undoubtedly know by now, I’m on a mission to help parents like you teach kids to be more thoughtful and responsible with money. Back on January 7th, I challenged myself to write a brief new family finance tip to share with parents every day. 217 posts later, I’m still going strong and have attracted hundreds of subscribers.

To help get the word out to more parents, I’ve entered an annual personal finance blogging competition called the Plutus Awards. They’re accepting nominations now and voting closes in days. Winning would help me grow my audience for free family finance education significantly.

So, if you dig my youth financial literacy mission and find my writing to be helpful for your own family, please cast a quick electronic vote for my blog.

All you have to do is:

  1. Visit the Plutus Awards nomination form by clicking HERE, or copy/paste the following URL into your browser:
  2. Fill in your name.
  3. Fill in your email address. (Prevents ballot stuffing!)
  4. Make sure my blog’s URL is entered in the Best New Personal Finance Blog category (first field in the list) and the Best Family Finance Blog category (7 up from the bottom). The link in step 1 should pre-fill those fields for you.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the form, and click on the NOMINATE button.

Up for a little extra credit? Tweet the following (or share on your favorite social media):

I just nominated @FamFinanceFavs for the @PlutusAwards - Here's why you should too:

You can just click HERE to tweet that.

Thank you so much for helping me spread the family finance word, and kudos to you for making the educational investment in your own kids. Ben would be proud.

Want to turn these tips into action? Check out

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